Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I have been hesitant

to blog about this just because I'm not too sure about anything for sure yet. But I had a professor who asked me to go speak to another professor who runs the english department for students who want to learn english but are not English majors. and I had a cool bilingual interview with her, and she offered me a job (super part time of course).

But the coolest part, is that she would like me to stay with them for a while. Meanwhile, around the same time my professors had started mentioning to me that I should really enroll in the masters program officially. So, I'm thinking that at the end of the year after I go home for a few months, I may come back and teach for a year and a half or so and get my masters in latin american lit while I'm here. So what do you think? I promise I will visit more if I come back. I'm definitely not for sure or anything yet. I just really like my classes and am really excited by everything I'm reading, and I think it might be good for me. So, that's where I'm at now. . . and I'm still thinking about it--but I think I might love to apply to a comparative lit phd program when I get back (maybe) and this might be a great place to start. What do you think?

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