Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Gender and The Nation in Hispanic American Novels from the 19th and 20th centuries

I don't really have to much to say that wouldn't bore you I'm sure, but this may be an ongoing theme in my blog because I love this class. Even though it is just me, this other guy that looks like he's over thirty, and the professor. That's right. I'm talking a lot. We are just talking about things that I love talking about. It's so interesting to me to see how identity struggles manifest themselves within the literature, the ways that gender and national identity intertwine and play similar roles, are constructed in similar ways.

I'm also super interested in thinking about the ways "America" has shaped its national and gender identity based on it's oppressive history as a whole--how North, Central, and South America are similar and different in their formations and searches for national identity. This is good stuff folks.

and this may have to become a weekly, Thursday episode blog after my class. ok. done.

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