Monday, October 8, 2007


FRIENDS!!! I´m back online, plugged into the world again, and in touch with humanity. Well. . . that´s how I feel at least because I FINALLY have internet in my apartment!! Yay!! Things are good. I mean it really is crazy how different life is when you can point and click.

For starters, I can blog again regularly.

I don´t get rained on as much because I can look up the weather easily on the internet.

I can feel semi-connected to mainstream american culture because I can download season four of Greys anatomy!!!! (thank god)

I don´t have to freeze my face and fingers sitting outside on my balcony on a stool leaning dangerously over the edge in order to "borrow" internet.

I watch WAY less television, which I guess is good and bad, because the animal planet in spanish is very educational and helping my species vocabulary.

I think I´m generally more content person. I can call people on skype from the comfort of my own home. I can talk to my mom for hours in English and laugh really loudly at her jokes ( and because I´m not in an internet cafe, the weird unibrow man at the computer next to me will not laugh at me, give me mean looks, or grunt words he hears me say in english). ahh, privacy.

Plus, I can study, look up fun facts, and listen to music.

In short, what did I ever do without the internet???

Oh right, I read and cleaned and had a life. ha.

Ok, I have to run to teach a class, but I can´t wait to blog this afternoon/evening about my first Chilean workout!!! You won´t want to miss this!

una aurora,

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