Monday, June 18, 2007

Noticias Aleatorias: Sunset

I´m sitting in my office at my desk. The sun is setting. It is peaceful and beautiful. Did you know I have an office or a desk?? I don't talk much about my job on here. But I kinda love it. My contract officially says "University Professor of English," which sounds way cooler than I deserve. I'm only part time. I teach english to students who are not majoring in English but still want to learn english. . .so students in any other major, basically. But it turns out great because all the students that are here really Want to learn english because they taking these classes in addition to the required classes in their major. So, they participate and really work hard, which makes my job sooo much easier. Hopefully, with this job I will be able to support myself if I come back to finish my masters.

I love teaching. Rounding out the semester, I feel pretty secure. I know everyone`s names. They know mine. They laugh at my jokes (or pretend to anyways). They teach me spanish words I dont know, and I always, always, always have fun.

The sun is setting. I am smiling. Soon, I will walk out my office down the ramp, out of the building and begin my walk home (a good 15 minutes). I will stick my earphones in and hum as I walk. I`m meeting Nicole and Sally for our Monday night dinner and movie bonding session. I need to do some major reading too because Im not sure when classes are going to start back, maybe even tomorrow. . .

and. . . I have a first date tomorrow night. get excited! Tall chileans do exist.

I hope you are having a beautiful afternoon.

from my sunset to yours. . .

1 comment:

kara Q said...

you're so cool.